We are now booking shows IN VARIOUS VENUES (updated 018/011//24).
Please email the following in all instances: Band Name, genre, links to you LIVE, location, preferred date (s) ,mobile number and expectations .
Please note, we are strongly trying to move away from the "free entry" menality - not ruling it out but we believe this little virus setback has hammered home how bands, promoters and venues need to survive and customers need to pay for thier art. Advance tickets also will be a strong feature going forward.
General enquiries : [email protected]
Metal 2 The Masses : [email protected]
Please email the following in all instances: Band Name, genre, links to you LIVE, location, preferred date (s) ,mobile number and expectations .
Please note, we are strongly trying to move away from the "free entry" menality - not ruling it out but we believe this little virus setback has hammered home how bands, promoters and venues need to survive and customers need to pay for thier art. Advance tickets also will be a strong feature going forward.
General enquiries : [email protected]
Metal 2 The Masses : [email protected]